Sweeps standings is from July 1 to June 30 yearly


Calculation of Sweeps Points

Calculation of Bonus points:

Best in Show = 50

Best Reserve or Best 6 Class = 25

Best of Breed = 1.5 * number shown

Best of Breed Convention or Nationals = 100

Best of Breed Specialty Show = 25

Best Opposite of Breed = 1.0 * number of opposite sex shown

Best Opposite of Breed Convention or Nationals = 50

Best Opposite of Breed Specialty Show = 15


Calculation of Placement Points - All Breed and Specialty Shows:

First Place = 6 * number of rabbits in class

Second Place = 4 * number of rabbits in class

Third Place = 3 * number of rabbits in class

Fourth Place = 2 * number of rabbits in class

Fifth Place = 1 * number of rabbits in class


Calculation of Placement Points - Nationals and Convention Shows:

First Place = 12 * number of rabbits in class

Second Place = 9 * number of rabbits in class

Third Place = 8 * number of rabbits in class

Fourth Place = 7 * number of rabbits in class

Fifth Place = 6 * number of rabbits in class

Sixth Place = 5 * number of rabbits in class

Seventh Place = 4 * number of rabbits in class

Eighth Place = 3 * number of rabbits in class

Ninth Place = 2 * number of rabbits in class

Tenth Place = 1 * number of rabbits in class