National Silver Fox Show Sanction Request Form

Sanction Fees:
  • 10% PayPal fee will be added to all online payments
  • Each Sanction price is $10.00 with 10% added making each sanction $10.30

  • Directions:
  • Complete this form for up to 8 shows on the SAME show date.
  • Return this form no less than 30 days before the show date.
  • The NSFRCs will accept sanction requests no less than 15 days before a show date but must be paid by Cash, Check or Paypal.
  • We will not be responsible for sanctions being lost in the mail or email.
  • Send the NSFRC Secretary an email to check with us if you have not received your sanction number(s).

  • Show Reports:
  • Please return show reports to
  • Show Results MUST be received no later than 30 days after the show.
  • If no Silver Fox are shown for a show, please be sure to send a negative report by the required deadline within 30 days.
  • It is the policy of the NSFRC to offer a FREE sanction (one time/equal value) to any club the following year if no Silver Fox are shown.
  • We will not issue a free sanction if you have not returned a negative report.

  • Sponsoring Club:
    Show Location:
    City:          State:

    Show Secretary:
    Name :
    City:          State:  

    Youth Secretary (if different from Show Secretary Information):
    Name :
    City:          State:  

    Sanction Donator Name (if different from Show Secretary Information):
    Name :

    Will show report(s) be computer generated?     Yes     No

    Please Note: If show results will be computer generated, NSFRC will email sanction numbers in lieu of sending report forms. Computer generated reports must provide the following in addition to placements:

    • Total number entered in each class
    • Total number entered in breed
    • Ear Numbers
    • Complete exhibitors listing with addresses

    Show Date: / /
    ARBA Sanction 1:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 2:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 3:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 4:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 5:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 6:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 7:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No

    ARBA Sanction 8:    OPEN      YOUTH
    Is this a specialty show?    Yes     No
    Is this a request for a free sanction?     Yes     No