The position for Three Board Members are open for 2024 Election.

Hailey Kuhn

My name is Hailey Kuhn and I am running for the position of Director for the 2024-25 term. Through growing up in 4-H, I found my voice and passion for Agriculture. I competed at local and state levels with my baked goods, wood-working, public speaking, horses, and photography. One year, I was crazy enough to challenge myself to turn in a record book including all 26 projects I was enrolled in that year! Now I currently volunteer my time with the Wanderlust Rabbit and Cavy shows as well as holding the position of President for the Western Havana Owners. If you are a fan of our NSFRC Facebook page; there is a good chance you’ve seen our recent series where we highlight the special people within our breed. I had tons of fun creating this series for the membership and hope to continue sharing more fun and educational posts in the future.

As Director, I will make it my personal goal to be a steward of our breed and making my focus on encouraging youth in my area (as well as across the country) to join ARBA and NSFRC. In addition to being a representative for my fellow breeders in the Pacific Northwest, I hope I can encourage and inspire new breeders to join our hobby. Not a day goes by where I don’t recommend our breed to those looking for a multi-purpose breed!

I am excited to see the breed climb to new heights and I hope to be apart the future where we allow to Fox breed to grow and expand in new ways. We are so close to coming of the Livestock Conservancy List and every single one of us should be proud of the work it has taken to get here.

The Silver Fox breed will always have a special place in my heart and I hope you will consider voting Hailey Kuhn as one of your NSFRC Directors.